It feels like you just got out of that last treatment center.
Before you knew it, you were sucked back into the cycle of chaos.
You’re sick of people calling you “sick” and feeling like you’re broken.
No matter how well you did during treatment, you’re only one slip up from ruining your life.
The consequences of your choices are the only thing that grows. You’re scared you might not survive your next bender.
The treatment process feels like a racquet.
Once your insurance company denied your claim, the narrative at the center completely changed.
You’re tired of promises by programs only to be disappointed and pick up the pieces of your life again.
Each time you have to try and fail at treatment becomes more demoralizing. You’re terrified that you’ll never be able to retake control of your life.
The bills are daunting. Insurance paid $1500-$3000 per day! It’s enough to make you nauseous.
You could have bought a house with all the money you’ve lost, struggling to recover.
Lifelong recovery starts here.
Working together, we’ll create a strategy to liberate you from substances once and for all and prevent you from being chronically treatment dependent either.
It’s time you were empowered to own your process and get well for good.
You are the force of change in your life and perfectly capable.
With my support, you’ll demonstrate accountability for yourself and start living a life of which you’re proud.
You deserve dignity and respect as you recover.
Dreams, goals, and values won’t be just ideas anymore. They will come alive through careful planning, practice, and action.
All this work is a fulfilling and meaningful life worth living. No longer ashamed of the past, it will become a mountain that was overcome – an unexpected source of accomplishment and strength.
Freedom from the demoralizing reality posed by this illness is possible. I’m confident that I can help make that happen for YOU too.
The words of a client illustrate it best – “I never thought this life was even in the cards for me. I wish I could go back and tell my old self; I was so close to losing everything.”
Don’t underestimate the deadly power that seeks destruction and heartbreak.
A happy and fulfilling life is within reach, and the possibilities are endless.
Together, we will craft a compelling future that makes it all worthwhile!
Don’t wait and let an opportunity for something new slip away.
Recovery is the result of all the times action was taken despite the difficulty.
Seize this moment and call today
Call (561) 717-3227 now for your free 20-minute consultation.
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